速報APP / 教育 / Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.

Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.



檔案大小:40.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 英語

Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.(圖1)-速報App

Babicare enhances your pregnancy and child experience from the time you conceive until your child is two years old. Babicare promotes a special bond between you and your child, which is important for their well being. It provides parents with ongoing age appropriate evidence based information and tips about your pregnancy and baby.


• Baby's emotional, social and physical health

• Mother, 'On your own', Father, Grandparent script

• Weekly pregnancy updates from conception to birth

• Regular updates from birth to 2 years

• Photo/ journal section for lasting memories of your pregnancy and baby till 2 years

Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.(圖2)-速報App

• Parent baby attachment

• Practical Tips

• Breastfeeding

• Infant mental health

• Maternal emotional health

• Safety

• Starting solids, nutrition

Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.(圖3)-速報App

• Play activities

The babicare app links into validated Australian Government childrens resources,

'Raising Childrens network' and 'Beyond Blue'.

The Babicare journal will give you and your family the opportunity to benefit from lasting memories of your pregnancy and baby.


Helen Mack RN, B.A Nurs,, MANurs (MntlHlth), PDip (Paed, Child Comm. Nurs)

Support team

Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.(圖4)-速報App

Dr Kay McCauley PhD, MN, MN (res), Grad Dip Adv Nsg (Psych), Grad Cert HEd, BN, RN, RM, NICU Cert, Credentialed Mental Health Nurse, FACMNH, FACM

Dr Thane Camewell PhD (Psychology)

The babicare application was developed at Flinders University in Masters Studies.

Babicare - Pregnancy to 2 years old.(圖5)-速報App
